Friday 17th July, Golfe de St Florent to Macinaggio

Despite the name, Macinaggio, this is still definitely Corsica, France. A fairly quiet day, motor sailing round the top of Corsica, passing Canari an old asbestos mine, to the small village of Macinaggio, boasting a large marina, a small supermarket, and a boucherie and boulangerie and a well stocked old fashioned chandlery, but not quite well stocked enough for a four pin socket for the anchor remote control. Onward to the ice cream parlour, we sat and watched the world go by with a welcome breeze to cool us down. Then off to get victuals for the boat. Had a bike ride to the beach then Blog writing on board whilst watching the Italian sailors promenading. Obviously getting closer to Italy. Our first sighting of cats on the look out for food offerings.