Sun 5 to Sat 11 July, Port Napoleon

We spent the week getting ready to sail, doing things like fitting a new accumulator, several times in fact, with more and more ptfe tape and ptfe liquid until it stopped dripping. Trying unsuccessfully to get AIS targets displayed on the cockpit plotter, connecting the smart battery monitor, washing off 9 months of Port Napoleon dust, sterilising the water tanks, getting the rigging retensioned, ordering a tanker to fill up with diesel, commissioning the new outboard, fitting the sails, oh, and a day off to see the flamingoes, horses and other wildlife of the Camargue, together with a walk round the Roman town of Arles. Interestingly, it appears that not a lot has changed, in Arles, we saw people shaking hands, kissing and only a very few face masks. 

So with a final top up of wine and beer today (Saturday) and with the Mistral scheduled to switch off at 0900 tomorrow morning, we are ready to head off. (fingers crossed)