23jun Friday 22 December 2023 AvelomonaAvelomonaAvelomona fortAvelomonaAvelomonaAvelomona fortAvelomonaAvelomonaAvelomona fortAvelomonaMuskrat rolling in the evening swellAvelomona weddingPassage between Elafonisos and KitheraAvelomonaMuskratAvelomona fortAvelomona fort, fairly modern gunAvelomona fortAvelomonaAvelomona fortAvelomonaAvelomonaAvelomonaAvelomonaNoordland, sunk in 2000 off KitheraAdjacent to the harbourAstros harbourAstros CastleBatista TavernaAstros harbourAstros CastleAstrosSailing yachts not very welcome!He lived in this house apparentlyHydraHydraErmione 'pagan' festivalGreek navy? Off HydraPoros clock towerPeaceful anchorage in PorosPorosSouth channel in PorosYet another church, this time AeginaAegina side street32 knots!Yet another church interior!The lull before the storm of charter boats!