Monday 8th to Saturday 13th July, Karavos

Still the Meltemi blows from the north with 20 to 30 knot gusts, so again we headed north to the harbour of Karavos, where weather predictions suggest that the Meltemi effects should be reduced owing to the greater width of Evia. Whether the effects were less, we don’t know, other than as we anchored, we still experienced gusts up to 30knots.
The wind didn’t start easing until Thursday. However it didn’t stop us going ashore, to walk up to the nearby town of Aliveri, visit the local supermarkets and to eat in a harbour side taverna a couple of times with newly made friends and fellow sailors also stuck in the harbour, Paul and Diane, the owners of a 60′ cat. We enjoyed predinner drinks on our respective boats and envied the space they had available in what is a 12 berth boat. Finally with the Meltemi abating, we eventually lifted the anchor on Saturday.
As the week progressed, afternoon temperatures topped 36° in the dry winds.
Karavos is an interesting town, the harbour side has tavernas, old and modern bars and traditional fishing boats attracts local tourists, whilst the opposite side contrasts this with a cement works, disused power station, a modern power station and various factories!