Monday 17th to Tuesday 18th June, Aegina Town Quay

On board we have a main and a reserve water tank, and on switching to the reserve, I discovered that it was empty. (it obviously hadn’t filled last time we topped up – I’d always assumed that the interconnecting valve could be in either position to fill both tanks). So we headed round the top of Aegina island to the town of Aegina at the north west corner of the island. Dodging the rapid ferries as we entered the small harbour we found one narrow space available (both boats had room to manoeuvre) which we asked permission before reversing into very slowly. So a chance to stock up a bit, exchange an empty gas bottle for a full one, buy a packet of locally grown pistachios and eat in a favourite Mpakalogatos taverna, and of course fill up with water. You were meant to get a loaded key from the port authority but the kind French an next to us said he didn’t bother as the tap was working anyway!