Day 27 Boulogne-sur-Mer to Le Treport

Not really sure how far we sailed today, the plotter said 37 miles, the almanac suggests 43, whereas measurement on a chart gives 50 miles, including tacking. I suspect this later distance is more realistic. I'll compare the log on both plotters from now on.

Anyway, we managed to sail virtually all the way, finally resorting to the engine for the final 5 miles, after the wind shifted and dropped. Not a particularly pleasant sail as it was very cold! 
Arrived at Le Treport 2 hours before high tide (1930) and negotiated the small lock along with a fishing boat, to the rather run down marina with a very tight and dirty finger pontoon which looked as if it had been home to a flock of seagulls for a month. A quick wash down with the marina hose however soon solved the problem. Stayed on board and listened to the Arsenal thrashing.