Day 22, Amsterdam to Scheveningen

Friday 24 May

A fairly early start at 0800 as the 12 mile leg to the Sea is along the Noordzeekanaal (no prizes for the translation) was going to be engine powered. At about  1100 we reached the final Dutch lock, which after lifting us about a metre, tipped us out into the North Sea. Once out of the harbour entrance we turned south, unfurled the sails and had a fantastic sail with a 10 – 12 knot breeze on our beam down to Scheveningen some 25 miles distant.

In Scheveningen, with a few hours to spare and glorious sunshine, we negotiated the trams for a whistle stop visit into Den Haag (The Hague).
We need to crack on South as we have a window of between Thursday 30th May and Wednesday 5th June to catch the correct tide from Honfleur to Rouen, else we'll be hanging around Honfleur until Friday 14th June, which normally would be fine, except this year is the 75th anniversary of the D-day landings which will mean every nearby marina will be chocker block!