Sunday 8th to Thursday 12th September, Boatclub and Karavos

Despite arriving in Athens an hour late, George the taxi driver was waiting for us to take us the 50 miles to the Boatclub at Chalkoutsi. So a couple of very warm beers enjoying a balmy evening in the cockpit before bed. Monday was devoted to getting Jacana ready for a 7am launch on Tuesday – rinsing the water tanks, washing the deck, adding a swivel to the anchor chain, bimini on… and cycle into town in the evening for excellent lamb chops (with UK mint sauce!) – Ann had hers the Greek way with a squeeze of lemon. At 0645 on Tuesday, Petros climbed the boat ladder, handed us the receipt for the 6 weeks storage and we were launched 15mins later with his trailer system and on our way to Karavos.
After an hour the wind picked up and we were sailing. However an hour later with the wind gusting alternatively on the bow and beam at up to 25 knots we motor sailed the final 5 miles into Karavos.
After being told we couldn’t moor side on to the wall, and failing miserably to reverse to the wall due to the strong wind blowing off the bow, and a pontoon just in the place where we needed to drop anchor, we ended up anchoring in the middle of the sheltered harbour. But it was good practice anyway.
The main reason for stopping here was to restock on Wednesday at the local Lidl and that was a very slow tentative walk with Ann recovering from a torn meniscus. Stopped for brunch on the way back at the local air-conditioned bar. A lively affair that was with children playing and parents enjoying lunch. They’d had their first morning back at school.
Thursday morning, on our way again.