Wednesday 19th to Sunday 23rd June, Poros town pontoon

With F8 gusts forecast until Saturday, and Fern arriving Saturday for a week, we decided to sit out the weather, stern to on the leeward side of the town pontoon. What fun! Not from the wind but from all the charter boats untangling their anchors and chain. Unfortunately Thursday morning we were victims of a catamaran, next to the cat beside us, who for some reason had laid his anchor chain literally at 45°, so he picked up our neighbours chain, our chain, (next to us away from him was a gap), then the next boat’s anchor. Literally 2 hours later, he (a Russian) worked out how to untangle them. Fortunately we didn’t need to reset our anchor.
Wednesday evening we had a pre dinner drink in a Taverna and struck up a friendship with Sue and Nicholas (Greek heritage), non sailors from St Albans and then enjoyed dinner with them the following 2 nights.
Fern arrived on the 7pm ferry Saturday evening, so the start of a week eating, drinking and sailing!