Now that we are in the southern Ionian we’re only going to write weekly blog updates unless something exceptional happens.
So with no wind and a vibrating prop shaft we motored slowly across to Vliho Bay, taking the opportunity to catch up on R&R, and do a bit of walking and shopping ashore.
On Tuesday we decided to go up to North Nidri and refuel and top up the water tanks and in doing so had a great impromptu sail half way across to Palairos and back.
Friday we sailed/motored down to Sivota to Yannis’ Ionian Taverna to experience a Red Snapper shared between us (a bit expensive at €49 just for the fish) but very good, then back to Vliho on Saturday to anchor off the Elena Taverna.
We’ve also booked IBA to fit a new cutless bearing this coming Wednesday at one of the boatyards in Vliho which will hopefully stop the prop vibration. Liftout time tba.