Day 72 and 73 Chaumont

Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th July

The potential of Bastille day celebrations was too much of a temptation to move on. So as well as looking round the old and some of the new parts of the city we ventured across half the city in the evening to watch probably the best fireworks display we have ever seen, followed by a rather mediocre French band playing Amy Winehouse numbers. Sunday saw us visiting the really impressive Chaumont viaduct, built in 18 months in the 1850s, with its 50 three story arches, and a really enjoyable youth orchestra playing German composer pieces. Overall a great stopping off place for a few days. The only issue so far, is that despite paying for use of the washing machine on Friday, the Capitainarie has been closed for the weekend, so we'll try to do it in the morning.